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People development is not an HR function, it´s the responsibility of each manager managing people!
However, this skill is not a natural core competence of managers and still it contributes massively to the monetary success of any company.
Therefore, equip you managers in a short & powerful Evolutiv workshop in how to unleash the potential that is in their team!
SIMTalent supports your managers in all hierarchies in grasping the essential success factors of people development. Supported by a hands-on reflection manual the delegates transfer all learnings directly to their own real-life team. Your managers leave the training with a solid action plan on how untap the enormous potential that is in their team.
The Talent Development simulation supports your managers in identifying, developing, retaining and deploying those employees who add maximum value to the future of your organization.
Delegates of SimTalent have the opportunity to:
- lead & develop a team of individuals, all varying in profile and performance;
- evaluate their individual strengths and gaps
- analyze their team structure
- make hiring decisions
- set up individual development plans
- decide where to invest time & budget to bring their team forward.
The teams in the simulation have real challenges mimicking business reality and participants will experience the impact of their decisions on motivation, competition, retention risk & budget.
Is to win the race for talent and propel your performance
SimTalent enables participants to tune up their talent engine and learn how to identify, attract and retain high performers.
SimTalent is a Talent Simulation Board Game that brings the key aspects of talent management to life in a fun and interactive way.
SimTalent allows participants to compete in teams to make talent assessment and development choices to optimise talent ROI over several business periods.
Mimicking real life tasks the participants are able to evaluate each team member based on his / her pre-defined personality / task profile, promote selected team members to new positions & responsibilities and also develop a solid succession plan for the team members and the team leader as well.
The simulation not only brings Talent Management to life, but cements the business rationale for investing in talent development and succession planning. Instead of boring powerpoint slides and templates, SimTalent makes learning fun and makes it stick.
Matched and aligned with end to end talent strategy eg.
- attract,
- develop,
- engage,
- deploy and
- retain but most significantly
- leverage so that it impacts organization’s share value in start-up, turnaround, fast growth and or M&A competitive context.
The teams in which they are active become companies operating in the same market.
The classroom itself becomes, meanwhile, an entire competitive market.
Participants become managers, competing for the best talent score (Talent Score). Their role is to run two simulation periods, leading and developing teams - all different in profile, requirements and performance, and, just like in the real world, having limited financial and time budgets.
They will improve their managerial skills as they "play" with the various decisions and contexts in which the simulation will put them, plan, and gradually work in more and more complex activities where all kinds of challenging situations arise. Just like in real life.
Optimum classroom setup

Download: SimTALENT One Page Brochure
Download: SimTALENT Full Brochure